
20mph Speed Limits – The Strang – The Board considered the following response from the Department of Infrastructure regarding introducing 20pmh speed limits in the Strang –

The following factors are considered when assessing requests for new speed limits for rural roads:

  • Environment – how built up and how many individual hazards there are along the length of road;
  • Existing vehicle speeds – are they acceptable for the road function, usage and characteristics;
  • Injury collision record – whether it is significantly higher than the typical threshold for the road function, usage, and characteristics. Whether other measures would address the problem other than a speed limit;
  • Enforcement – the speed limit must be supported by the Isle of Man Constabulary.

Below is the speed and accident data for all four approach roads to Strang roundabout:

LocationCurrent Speed Limit85%tile Vehicle SpeedsAccidents
Mount Rule Road30mph31mphJune 2024 – Not speed related
Strang Road (50 metres from roundabout)20mph30mphNil
Braddan Road (opposite Strang Close)30mph22.4mphJan 2020 – Not speed related
Ballaoates Road30mphNo data available within the vicinity of the roundaboutNil
Mount Rule Road40mph41mphNil

The children’s play area at The Roundhouse complex, has been considered through the planning application process.  The requirement for the pedestrian crossing within this 30mph speed limit will address the increased pedestrian activity. Currently pedestrians are able to utilise the traffic islands located at this crossroads to cross the road safely, which they have done historically.

In addition to the above please be advised that the Department are currently exploring introducing 20mph speed limits within residential areas.”

The Board expressed disappointment at the Department’s response but hoped that roads around Strang would be considered as a top priority if they introduce the 20mph limit for residential areas.

Public Sector Housing – Rental Setting 2025/2026 – The Board were consulted on the annual rental setting and recommend an increase of between 3 & 5%. Recommendations from other PS Housing Authorities are also considered but the financial decision rests with the Council of Ministers

Domestic Abuse – Subject to the final details of the proposal and staff training, the Board were in favour of adopting an accessible reporting system, similar to the “Ask for Angela” scheme to provide assistance to victims of domestic abuse at their public counters.

Draft Accounts 2022/2023 & 2023/2024 – were discussed and forwarded to the Auditor for checking

Hartford Homes Meeting

  • Cooil Road Commercial Development – Representatives from Hartford Homes confirmed work would start on the extension to Eden Business Park next month, which would include an access road. Discussions took place on lighting & drainage.
  • Ballafletcher Housing Development – The Board were given details of a 5 year plan for the housing development. Discussions took place on traffic management, landscaping, street lighting and drainage.

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