
Clear and Efficient Roads

The Commissioners strive to keep the Parish highways clear and in 2015 the Department of Infrastructure delegated several services to local authorities, exercising powers conferred on it by section 2(1) of the Highways Act 1996, this delegation included the following services:

  • Street sweeping
  • Gully emptying
  • Removal of weeds
  • Maintenance of highway verges


Since the delegation of services Braddan Commissioners provide the following services:

  • Scheduled sweeps of the public Highway and litter removal on adjacent verges, amenity planted areas and open grass areas.
  • Litter Bin Emptying.
  • Cleansing of Gullies (surface cleaning and pot emptying).
  • Investigation and removal of fly tipped Materials from Braddan Commissioners owned land and the Highway.
  • Removal of Graffiti and Flyposting in public places.
  • Flailing of roadside hedges
  • Weed spraying.


Please note that Highways Services are responsible for the above listed services on Peel Road and Castletown Road where they pass through the Braddan Parish. They are also responsible for all emergency road clearances (un-scheduled sweeps), maintenance of trees that encroach on a highway, flooding, etc.

The Department of Infrastructure publish details of all upcoming Temporary Traffic Regulation Notices on their website, and provide an interactive map showing their location.

The authority’s car parks are located at the following locations:


  • The Roundhouse
  • Union Mills Post Office
  • Snugborough Playground Car Park
  • Heritage Trail – located near the former sewage treatment works and reached via Snugborough Avenue (to the rear of the properties)
  • Mullen Doway apartments
  • Port Soderick Hall

Please report any suspected abandoned vehicles to the Community Warden, Paul Parker, via our Contact Form.

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