At their meeting on 30th January 2025 the Commissioners agreed to set their rate for the 2025-2026 financial year at 357p, which is a 6p or 1.7% increase on the previous year.
A strong performance in the previous year has allowed the increase to be kept to a minimum, despite the challenges caused by increase in matters outside the Board’s control such as Refuse Disposal costs, External Audit Fees, Insurance, the Local Election in April and Annual Staff Pay Increases.
Other increased costs for 2025/2026 include upgrading the Rate System software, HR fees, Health and Safety, Public Lighting, highway services and tree management.
A major component in the increase is waste. 2025/2026 will see a 5.2% increase in the costs per tonne for refuse disposal at the Energy from Waste Plant (EfW).
The Commissioners encourage all households to take advantage of the kerbside recycling service to reduce the weight of waste being sent to the EfW Plant, particularly glass, which is a heavy component in wheelie bins.
The above increases, together with a new refuse collection contract and a new recycling contract, have meant an increase in the Domestic Refuse Charge from £50 per property in 2024/2025 to £92 for 2025/2026.
The Commissioners remain committed to a weekly waste collection and the fortnightly kerbside recycling collection.
Despite challenges the Commissioners felt that they had maintained their normal high levels of general performance which they intend to continue in future years.
The Roundhouse having now been open for 12 months, has proven to be a great success and has exceeded income expectations in the sports hall, soft play and multi-use community room (the Rotunda).
Maintaining this upward trajectory is a target for next year.
The success of the sports hall has offset some of the increases in costs due to outperforming projected targets set in January 2024.
The Commissioners acknowledge that the building has not yet reached its full potential and plans are being made to build on the solid foundation that has been laid.
They were delighted to see the fantastic services provided to children and families, most noticeably over the recent festive period where events were quickly sold out indicating a demand in the market.
J C Whiteway, Clerk – 3 February 2025