
Commissioners’ Board meeting – 18 July 2024 – Key points

– Revenue Model – The Roundhouse – The Board considered the report commissioned as an update to the original Revenue Model Report on the finances of The Roundhouse and the implication on the 2025/2026 Rate. The Commissioners accepted that although there are some difficulties ahead, the model predicted a positive outcome for the facility and the Authority.

– Vandalism at the Roundhouse – Following a recent act of vandalism which damaged the roof of the bike store at The Roundhouse, it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the individual involved to emphasise the financial consequences of his actions. The Commissioners noted with concern the injuries that he had sustained and hoped he had fully recovered and learned from his experience.

– Speed Limits at The Strang – The Roundhouse has had an impact on pedestrian usage in the area accessing the facility. The Board noted that although this was a positive development, a reduction in speed limits to 20 mph for all roads leading off the Strang roundabout should be sought from the Department in view of the increased pedestrian traffic in the area.

– Pedestrian Crossing on Braddan Road – Following approval by the DoI of a design for a permanent pedestrian crossing on Braddan Road to replace the temporary lights the Commissioners have been funding, it was agreed to seek Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified contractors to construct the facility.

– Sale of Commissioners’ Office, Close Corran, Union Mills – The sale of the property was still being progressed

– New access road – The Roundhouse – The Commissioners have received approval from the Department of Infrastructure for the Petition to purchase land from the Department of Health & Social Care for the new access road from Ballaoates Road to The Roundhouse at a cost of £250. The Board are now waiting for the conveyancing documentation from the Attorney General’s Office.

– Local Government Amendment Bill 2023 – The Board expressed their disappointment that the Bill is no longer a priority for Department of Infrastructure and will not be progressed any further. The Commissioners will write to the Department to voice their concerns which are echoed by other Authorities.

– Planning Application – PA24/00713/A – Approval in Principle for residential development, with access taken from main road – Land adjacent to main road, Trollaby Lane and residential area of Strang Road, Union Mills, Braddan – The Commissioners had no objection to this planning application.

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