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News Release from Manx Utilities:

Work to replace a strategic water main has been brought forward to support the Department of Infrastructure’s resurfacing work on Vicarage Road scheduled to be complete by 31 May 2024.

The existing water main runs through land from Lhergy Cripperty, Union Mills to Vicarage Road and was originally laid in 1974 to supply water to the Anagh Coar and Farmhill areas.  It also supplies water to Springham Park, Spring Valley Industrial Estate, IOM Business Park and Cooil Road.  Approximately 3,000 customers are reliant on the transfer of water on this critical main and it is therefore a priority to upgrade this infrastructure, which has failed several times recently.

The new water main will be laid several metres away from the existing water main to reduce the risk of a burst on the existing infrastructure.  Connections will be made at Lhergy Cripperty to a large trunk main which supplies the Braaid and another connection made to the area water meter at Vicarage Road, just opposite Manor Lane.

This critical work will also future-proof the water network with the installation of a supply point to Manor Lane, allowing the connection of a new main through Farmhill and Spring Valley Industrial Estate, if required in the future.

Traffic lights are currently in place at the roundabout accessing Vicarage Road and Stevenson’s Way.  It is hoped that work will be completed early to ensure contractors are clear of the highway prior to the end of May.

For the full press release see below:-


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