The 2023/24 financial year was expected to end with the grand opening of the authority’s long awaited community project, the Roundhouse but, very unfortunately, it has ended somewhat more tumultuously than expected.
Although the Commissioners had been aware for some time the final cost of the project would be greater than originally anticipated, this hadn’t come as a particular surprise given the impacts of covid, Brexit and the invasion of Ukraine. These factors pushed up material prices worldwide and have had a huge impact on an already stretched labour market, there are less skilled people, costing more. However, what did come as an unexpected shock was the decision of the Minister for the Department of Health and Social Care (“DHSC”), in December 2023, to try and block the vehicular access to the building.
The unjustified decision had an immediate financial impact on the authority as they were advised to delay issuing leases to the commercial tenants of the building whilst the uncertainty over access was resolved. This has resulted in a loss of predicted income for January – March 2024 and for a still unknown number of months in this financial year.
Following discussions between the Commissioners, the prospective tenants, and our respective legal advisors, the authority was able to issue licenses to two tenants to allow them to operate, so the authority has been able to generate some income in addition to the income from the sports hall, Rotunda meeting room and soft play. Discussions have continued to try and find a way in which other tenants can also open, thereby enabling the authority to generate further income.
Due, in part, to the uncertainties created by the DHSC, the Commissioners had to make the difficult decision to significantly increase the rates. However, in order to minimise the increase to domestic ratepayers, some of the increase has been offset by a £38 reduction in the domestic waste disposal charge to £50 per household.
The Commissioners appreciate any increase in costs is unwelcome whether you are a home owner, tenant or business but feel they have set the rate at a level which they believe will be sufficient to maintain a good level of service to the ratepayer and meet all their current commitments.
We have worked hard to make best use of the resources we have available and as an example, in anticipation of the opening of the Roundhouse, took the opportunity to review a number of services provided by external contractors and bring them in house making considerable savings on contracts.
Requisition Meeting and follow up meeting – Saturday 15 June 2024
The Commissioners acknowledge that some residents and ratepayers have raised valid concerns regarding how decisions were made during the planning and construction phases of the Roundhouse, and how they were communicated to ratepayers. Although the Commissioners maintain information about the project was widely available and advertised, giving ample opportunities for ratepayers to engage in the process, clearly not all ratepayers were fully aware or understood how to participate in the process.
Residents will soon be able to sign up to receive regular updates by email on the progress of the Roundhouse together with financial information as requested at the Requisition Meeting. These updates will also be published on our website: https://braddan.im
Have your say:
The Braddan Commissioners’ website gives everyone the opportunity to “Have your say”, so please use that facility and we can consider your comments at the fortnightly Board meetings. If we are not providing the information you are looking for then hit the “Have your say” button and let us know.
If you do not have access to the internet please contact the office so we can help you.
We continue to meet, normally fortnightly, on a Thursday afternoon in public and all our agendas and minutes are published on our Facebook Page & website. Check our website or Facebook page for dates.
The minute book is also available for inspection in our office.
Our most recent audited accounts are available on our website and can be viewed in our office.
Political Surgery
A Commissioners’ Political Surgery is scheduled for Saturday 15 June 2024 at 2pm at the Roundhouse. This will give you the opportunity to pass on your thoughts and suggestions. If you didn’t take the opportunity to talk at the Requisition Meeting come and do it here. No appointment required.
Local Authority Elections 2025
There will be a general election for all local authorities in April 2025. If you are interested in becoming a Commissioner, and serving your community for the 4 year term, the authority will be pleased to hear from you. Information packs on how to stand for election and the role of a Commissioner will be available shortly and at the meeting in June.
If you have any queries on any of the points raised above, please contact the Board:
Andrew Jessopp – Chairman – andrew.jessopp@braddan.im – Tel: 679775
Peter Scott – Vice Chairman – peter.scott@braddan.im – Tel: 203600
Andy Morgan – andy.morgan@braddan.im – Tel: 460996
Neal Mellon – neal.mellon@braddan.im – Tel 469632
John Quaye – john.quaye@braddan.im – Tel 464658
The Roundhouse
What’s open now?
- Sports hall – proving to be very popular with clubs and individuals
- Regular pop in & play sessions for pickleball & badminton
- Rotunda – available for functions, meetings, events, exercise classes & parties
- Therapy Room – available for hire
- Meeting Room – available for hire
- Soft Play – sessions are 7 days/week starting at 8.30am. £3/child (5 and under) per hour
- Playground for younger children
- The Sensory Hub – Baby Sensory & Toddler Sense
- Aalid Feie Beauty Studio
What’s opening soon:
April 2024
- Playground Older children
- 500m Outside walking track
May 2024
- Dental Surgery
Coming Soon:
- Gym
- Pharmacy
- Cafe
- Nursery
For more information about booking any of the above please go to The Roundhouse website: https://theroundhouse.im where we accept online bookings for our facilities. Or call our Centre Manager, Cassi McAllister on 498662 or Braddan Commissioners on 852808. You will soon be able to register to receive regular updates about progress at the Roundhouse by signing up at our website.
How do I get there?
- Parking is available nearby
- Pedestrian access is now open from Braddan & Ballaoates Roads.
- There is cycle storage at the front of the building
- The site is easily accessible via public transport