Rates & Finance

Providing Public Services

We collect rates to provide all of our residents with a wide range of public services throughout the parish.

These services include:-

  • Refuse Collection
  • Recycling Collection
  • Provision of Civic Amenity Site
  • Street lighting
  • Public conveniences
  • Parks, playgrounds and other leisure facilities
  • Housing
  • Car parking
  • Street Cleaning
  • Gully emptying, removal of weeks and hedge trimming

For a full list of services, please see this link to the IOM Government website

Rate Bourne Expenditure


For information about how the rates system works, please visit the Rates Valuation page on the Isle of Man Government Website.

The Isle Of Man Government Treasury collect water rates, burial ground rates and most of the local authority rates on the island. Braddan, Douglas City Council and Onchan District Commissioners are the only three local authorities who collect their own rates.


Issuing our own rate invoices means we can pursue any debtors via the small claims court and therefore keep arrears to a minimum.

Rate bills are sent out at the beginning of April each year. Residents and businesses have until 30 June to either pay their rates in full or set up regular payments.

The following payment methods are available:


By Debit Card

You can pay by Debit Card over the phone by telephoning 01624 852808, or in person at the Commissioners’ Office. Please ensure you have your Rate demand in front of you when you call.


By Electronic Transfer

You can make a one off payment either using online or telephone banking. Our bank account details can be found below and are also on the rear of the Rate Demand. Please quote your property code and surname as the reference.


Account Name: Braddan Parish Commissioners Revenue Account

Sort Code: 55 91 00

Account Number: 10714340


By Cheque

Make cheques payable to Braddan Parish Commissioners and write your property code on the reverse of the cheque. You can call into the Commissioners’ Office and pay at the counter, or by post. Please enclose the counterfoil at the bottom of the rate demand.




By Cash

You can pay by cash in person at the Commissioners’ Office.


By Direct Debit

Direct Debit is an easy and convenient method of payment that guarantees payments(s) are made on time. There are three options available:-

  • A maximum of 10 monthly payments of the gross amount paid between May and February in each rating year.
  • A one off payment of the net amount on the 26th June each year.
  • The net amount paid over three months in April May and June in each rating year.


If you would like to pay by Direct Debit please complete and return the Direct Debit Form indicating which of the three payment options you wish to use. You can find the same details on the rear of your rate demand.

A discount of 2.25% is given if payment is made in full either on or before 30 June each year.


Rates are still due in full even if a building is empty or has a single occupant. Properties which are in an uninhabitable condition may be eligible for an allowance – please contact us to discuss the matter further.


Registered charities are exempt from paying rates on their premises, provided they complete and return a Charity Exemption Form each year.

All inquiries or issues should be made by email on finance@braddan.im or by telephone on 852808.

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